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Course Description

In this TCU Extended Education course, students learn the essentials of effective blog writing.


In week one, an overview of different types and functions of blogs prepares students to understand the language of blogging and what makes for dynamic blogging content, to be discussed in more detail in week two. In week three, advice on collateral branding will be given along with a period of in-class blog development time so students can access the instructor’s knowledge for individual support. In week four, students will reflect on how their new blog writing goals might inform the successful maintenance of their blog sites.

Credits: 0

Semester: Fall 2016

Blogging Tech Page

The NMWS offers visitors "Tech" pages for more information on a variety of technologies. One series of tech pages I developed focused on blogging, featuring an overview of the processtipstools, and resources needed for building and maintaining a blogging platform.

Vlog (Video + Blog)

In 2015, I wrote a blog post for the Studio entitled "3 Reasons Why Blogging is Worth Your Time." Written in true blog style as a "listicle," a short, supplementary video was added to the post as a sort of e-introduction of myself to my audience. To read the full blog post, click here

eMaze Presentation on Blog Growth

The above presentation was developed for Blog Writing 101. Through extensive research that spanned a few semesters, this presentation captures the most significant means by which any blogger can increase reader engagement and boost search engine optimization (SEO) ratings. 

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