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Course Description

Editing and Publishing introduces students to the practice of editing manuscripts intended for publication. Topics discussed will include the editorial process (both academic and commercial), the ethics of editing, and the role of the editor in publishing. Students will engage in extensive practice editing journal and book manuscripts. Students will also edit professional documents (websites, manuals, etc.) for an assigned client. 

Credits: 3

Semester: Spring 2014

Resources Blog

In spring 2014, I assisted Dr. Carrie Leverenz in teaching English 40283: Editing and Publishing. For this course, I developed a blog as a support site for teachers interested in or already teaching writing courses on professional editing and publishing.


For the “Student-Developed Resources” page, junior and senior TCU undergraduates asked and answered questions about editing and publishing. The intention was to give students a real audience to think about as they composed these resources. As an advocate for public writing, this is one of several ways I have arranged for students to have their writing published — with their consent, of course. 

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